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<<We have a system that reduces mechanical drag from the internal pawl ratchet system of our rear hub by nearly 100% and is almost completely silent >>

We will always experience drag in some form this can be Aero or Mechanical, here at Finity Works we have a system that reduces mechanical drag from the internal pawl and ratchet system of our rear hub by nearly 100%! 


Reduced drag is achieved by reinventing the pawl mechanism function! we have designed a system that gives maximum efficiency when in freewheel surpassing all other competitors! As a further drag reduction to high quality steel bearings we have the option of using the very best Silicon Nitride Hybrid Ceramic bearings also known as Si3N4


With a conventional ratchet system the clicks can be loud depending on the strength of spring used, this can resonate significantly throughout the wheel especially if you have a deep section rim, in some instances it can resonate into the frame itself. with our system the clicking is almost eradicated and as a further improvement the hubs are almost silent in operation. 



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